
This website is about advancing the understanding of missions for the general church family as well as for instructional purposes for current front line workers. We write from our experience and educational background in missions.  Each post fits in one of the five buckets of missiology:

  1. theology of mission
  2. history of missions
  3. cultural issues
  4. strategic issues
  5. member care


Rebecca was born in Canada and raised in Africa by missionary parents attending international schools in Brazzaville, Congo and Bouake, Cote d’Ivoire. Her BA in Behavioral Sciences is from Ambrose University in Calgary and her MA in International Community Development is from Eastern University in Philadelphia. Rebecca did a two year apprenticeship in Niger after university. She currently works with a global development agency and lives with her husband and two children in North Africa.

Ron Brown was born and raised in Central Africa by missionary parents. He then lived in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal for 26 years while engaged in international work with CMA-Canada. His education degree is from the University of Calgary and his missiology degrees are from Canadian Theological Seminary (Ambrose Seminary) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (DMin) near Chicago. He currently lives with Myra in Calgary, Canada. Their two daughters were raised as third culture kids in Africa.