Tip#15 Continue to learn

by Ron

Lifelong learning takes us beyond the formal classroom into self-motivated
education through books or videos, online or in-person classes through a local
college or training facility, one-on-one with a tutor, or training courses and
workshops provided by our sending agency. Through the internet, we also have
access to many great resources. Lifelong learning is about being open and taking
in new ideas and perspectives.

Incorporating this type of learning into your life offers you many long-term
benefits. For example, learning a new skill can renew your motivation, bringing
personal satisfaction. It can get you out of a rut of doing things the same way
all the time and inspire you to do things in a better way. It can reduce boredom,
making what you do more exciting and help you to reach your goals quicker and
easier. It can often reveal interests you never knew you had.

While we’re learning new skills, we’re also learning more about creativity,
problem-solving, critical thinking, and ways to adapt. We also become more
skilled at what we do; our self-confidence increases personally and professionally.
Lifelong learners often see change as something positive, and it helps them to
grow in problem-solving while learning new skills and encountering people with
different ideas. An open mind enables you to evaluate other ideas and change
your mind, if necessary, helping you grow in your understanding.
Sometimes our learning takes us outside of our comfort zone, which can benefit
personal growth, opening us up to learn things we may not have considered

While there are many benefits to lifelong learning, you may find it can also
be time-consuming and exhausting, so it’s essential to celebrate achieving each
milestone so you don’t become discouraged. For example, going out for a special
meal or treating yourself to something you enjoy can help motivate you to
persevere when you feel like stopping. Likewise, not being content with what you
already know can be a powerful motivation for continuing your education.
Your example can encourage others to become lifelong learners, and seeing
others inspired by your example can motivate you to continue your education.
We recommend the following excellent resources as you continue your lifelong
pursuit of learning.

Christian Mission – A Concise Global History by Edward Smither,
published by Lexham Press, 2019

Theology of Mission – A Concise Biblical Theology by J.D. Payne,
published by Lexham Press, 2022

Rethinking Global Mobilization – Calling the Church to Her
Core Identity
by Ryan Shaw, published by Ignite Media, 2022

Advanced Missiology – How to Study Missions in Credible and
Useful Ways
by Kenneth Nehrbass, published by Cascade Books,

Regeneration – Stories of Resilient Faith in Communist Romania
by Miriam Charter, published by Word Alive Press, 2020


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