103 Canadian Witnesses

keeping-it-real-global-vault-canadian-alliance-biography-project-adCanadians in obedience to God’s call engage in His redeeming activities all over the world by going to some of the toughest and most difficult places. They persevere, some under horrible conditions (like a pandemic even!), having survived traumatic events, in order to see communities of faith established among the least reached peoples. Today in many nations of the world there are vibrant congregations, some small, some large that are living out the gospel in their communities. As a family of churches we continue to send workers into difficult places where the gospel has not yet taken root.

Here is a growing list of stories from our Canadian Alliance family of churches who have journeyed in mission. They are part of the cloud of great witnesses of God’s saving grace.  “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart;

I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done” Psalm 9:1.

Click here: http://globalvault.ca/5-biography-2/

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